Thursday, February 4, 2010

I am back.

Wow. I have not come back to this blog since I finished my class in 2007. It reminded me how what you publish on the internet can stay there forever. It was nice to see I had a few comments but I felt bad that I was unable to answer the questions of some of the commenters. I didn't realize people would actually find my blog or want to read it. It is interesting that my blog pops up as the second listing when you search multimodal literacy. I am not an expert on the topic and I hope people have not quoted me as one. I wonder if any students have used my blog in their projects. Don't do it! My favorite posting has to be the middle school student who wanted to share the website he created for school along with the websites my students created. That is awesome!

So why am I back? I think that writing about what I am reading really helps me to think through, process and reflect on what I am reading. It also motivates me to make connections. I am hoping that sharing through this blog will motivate me to do more writing and help me on my quest to finish my dissertation. I am not an expert; just a person trying to think deeply. Hey, and maybe someone will read this and be interested in a topic I discuss or even make a comment!

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